19 de maio de 2016

Interpretação de texto em inglês - Future Foods (Discourse Marker)

+ Textos para interpretação em inglês

The world's population is increasing at a fast rate, and it is estimated that about one billion people in the world go hungry every day. Some  people say that genetically modified (GM) food is the answer to this problem, however the use of a new technology always involves risks and people have to consider many arguments before they make their choices. Let's explore one aspect related to GM food: how to battle bugs. Can genetic modification help farmers keep bugs at bay and therefore avoid pests and diseases? 

A) Instead of spraying crops with pesticides and fungicides, scientists in Peru are testing a cheap and safe alternative. They've released chickens into the local potato fields to eat up the Andean potato weevils - a notoriously damaging pest. 
This method saves farmers money and time, and reduces the potential hazards of handling powerful chemicals. 

From: www.sciencemuseum.org.uk

B) Instead of spraying crops with expensive and potentially hazardous chemicals, researchers are trying to create plants that resist problems by themselves. 
Currently, farmers have to spray potatoes once a week to avoid the devastating late blight disease. But there are wild Andean potatoes that aren't affected by blight. If scientists can transfer their genes to other potato varieties in the lab, the GM super-spuds won't need spraying with fungicides. 

From: www.sciencemuseum.org.uk 

1. Find in the text: 
a) a discourse marker that denotes consequence
b) a discourse marker that denotes contrast  
c) a discourse marker that denotes alternative 

2. On which of the following ideas do both texts A and B agree? 
a. (   ) It is a good idea to use GM technology. 
b. (   ) It is not a good idea to use GM technology. 
c. (   ) It is a good idea to use pesticides and other chemicals. 
d. (   ) It is not a good idea to use pesticides and other chemicals

3. What does the phrase " ... a notoriously damaging pest" refer to? 
a. (   ) the local potato fields
b. (   ) scientists in Peru
c. (   ) the Andean potato weevils
d. (   ) chickens 

4. Which of the options below contains an appropriate translation for the sentence "[This method] reduces the potential hazards of handling powerful chemicals."? 
a. (  ) Este método soluciona os azares potenciais envolvidos no manejo de produtos químicos poderosos. 
b. (  ) Este método reduz os potenciais riscos envolvidos no manuseio de produtos químicos fortes. 
c. (  ) Este método diminui os possíveis perigos para as mãos das pessoas que usam produtos químicos potentes. 
d. (  ) Este método avalia as prováveis más experiências envolvidas na manufatura de produtos químicos benéficos à saúde. 

5. In" ... plants that resist problems by themselves.", the underlined words mean: 
a. (  ) elas mesmas. 
b. (  ) por elas. 
c. (  ) por elas mesmas.
d. (  ) nelas mesmas.


a) therefore
b) however
c) instead of

2. It is not a good idea to use pesticides and other chemicals

3. the Andean potato weevils

4. Este método reduz os potenciais riscos envolvidos no manuseio de produtos químicos fortes. 

5. Por elas mesmas.

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