1 de outubro de 2016

Gabarito do artigo de opinião Social networking: good or bad?


( b ) when something is told based on research
( c everything they do
( a ) increasing very fast
d ) using it all day long

a) It's Kelsey Hines. She is probably a high school student. (Observe a fonte do texto para que possa chegar à conclusão de que a autora provavelmente é uma estudante.).

b) Yes, the author provides reliable information to sustain her opinion.

c) Resposta esperada: The author thinks that social networking is not bad, it depends on the way you use it. She says that sometimes social networking is not very social. Having 1,000 friends on Facebook doesn't mean that they are ll your friends. (Aceite outras respostas que apresentem argumentos sólidos e outros exemplos retirados do texto).

a) "Nielsen has recently reported that Americans are now spending  more time on social networking websites than on their email accounts." Arguments

b) "The popularity of social networking is skyrocketing, and people of all ages find themselves devoting more time to these sites, but is social networking really making your life social?" Introduction

d) "I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to have a Facebook or Myspace, as long as you are responsible and safe about it." Conclusion

4. Pessoal. Peça que os alunos digam se concordam com os argumentos apresentados pela autora e se eles foram suficientes  para que eles fossem convencidos a ter a mesma posição sobre esse tema. 


Imagem: Google

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