Conteúdo: adjetivos
Objetivo: descrever personagens
Palavras para conhecer
badger: texugo (animal)
woods: bosque
neat: em ordem, arrumado, organizado (pessoa)
messy: sujo, bagunçado, desarrumado
hard-working: trabalhador
smart: esperto, inteligente
shy: tímido
parties: festas
cheerful: alegre, bem disposto, agradável
kind: amável
doesn't: não (no presente simples - usado para he, she e it)
isn't: não é/não está (usado para he, she e it)
is: é/está (usado para he, she e it)
it's: é/ está
Bertie Badger lives in the woods.
Bertie is very neat. His home is always clean and it's never messy.
Bertie is hard-working and he's smart.
There are lots of books in his house.
Bertie is shy. He doesn't like big parties, but he likes talking with one or two friends.
He isn't very cheerful, but he is very kind.
2. Leia as frases e marque T (true) para verdadeiro e F (false) para falso.
a) Bertie Badger lives in the woods. ( )
b) Bertie's home is very messy. ( )
c) Bertie has lots of books. ( )
d) Bertie likes big parties. ( )
e) Bertie likes talking with his friends. ( )
f) Bertie is very cheerful. ( )
3. Escreva o antônimo (oposto) das palavras utilizando: silly, lazy, mean, miserable, messy. Veja o exemplo.
a) hard-working # lazy
b) smart #
c) neat #
d) kind #
e) cheerful #
4. Complete as frases sobre Bertie Badger com as palavras: silly, lazy, mean, miserable, messy, hard-working, smart, neat, kind, cheerful. Veja o exemplo.
a) Bertie Badger isn't lazy. He is very hard-working.
b) Bertie Badger's house isn't messy. Bertie is very ____________________.
c) Bertie Badger is a bit miserable. He isn't very ______________________.
d) Bertie Badger isn't mean. He is very _____________________________.
e) Bertie Badger reads lots of books. He is very ______________________.
5. Pense no seu personagem favorito de algum livro, filme ou série e faça uma pequena lista com características do lugar (casa) onde ele (a) mora e outra com características da personalidade dele. Depois, faça um pequeno texto sobre ele, utilize o texto estudado nesta atividade como modelo.
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