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Exercícios simple present com respostas - (pre-intermediate)
Lavindya’s Best Friend
It is seven o’clock in the morning in Chennai, southern India. Lavindya always has her morning bath before school. But she doesn’t have a bath at home. She has a bath in a small pool outside with her best friend, a baby elephant!
Lavindya lives at Arignar Anna Zoo with her parents, brothers and sisters. Her father is a ‘mahout’ – he works at the zoo and he is a special keeper for the baby elephants. Lavindya is only six years old, but she can control the elephants and she has a very special friendship with them.
At eight o’clock in the morning, Lavindya goes to school, but she doesn’t travel on a school bus. She rides an elephant to school. The elephant carries her backpack with its trunk. After school, Lavindya plays football with the elephants.
Now it is the evening, and the baby elephants are tired.
Lavindya lies down next to them and pats their trunks. Sometimes they all sleep together – friends together in the day and friends together at night.
História real. Clique aqui para ler a notícia.
Chennai = antigamente chamada de Madras ou, na sua forma portuguesa, Madrasta, é a capital e a maior cidade do estado de Tamil Nadu, localizado no extremo sul da Índia.
southern India = sul da Índia
have a bath - has a bath = tomar banho (has usado para he, she e it)
live = morar, viver
work = trabalhar
go = ir
ride = montar a, andar a cavalo, andar de, viajar/ir de elefante (neste caso)
carry = carregar
play football = jogar futebol
lie down = deitar-se
pat = dar tapinhas em, acariciar
sleep = dormir
doesn't = não (usado no presente simples para he, she e it)
small pool = piscina pequena
her best friend = o melhor amigo (a) dela
her father = o pai dela
her parents = os pais dela
friendship = amizade
have - has = ter (has é usado com he, she e it)
trunk = tromba
backpack = mochila
after = depois
before = antes
sometimes = às vezes, de vez em quando
tired = cansado
1. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a) Lavindya lives in the USA.
b) She is ten years old.
c) She lives in Chennai.
2. Answer the questions.
a) Where does Lavindya have a bath?
b) Why does she live at Arignar Anna Zoo?
c) How does she go to school?
d) What does she do in the afternoon?
e) What does she do when the elephants are tired?
a) False (She lives in India.)
b) False (She is six years old.)
c) True.
a) In a small pool outside.
b) Because her father is a ‘mahout’ and works at the zoo. He is a special keeper for the baby elephants.
c) She rides an elephant to school.
d) In the afternoon she plays football with the elephants.
e) She lies down next to them and pats their trunks.
História real. Clique aqui para ler a notícia.
Chennai = antigamente chamada de Madras ou, na sua forma portuguesa, Madrasta, é a capital e a maior cidade do estado de Tamil Nadu, localizado no extremo sul da Índia.
southern India = sul da Índia
have a bath - has a bath = tomar banho (has usado para he, she e it)
live = morar, viver
work = trabalhar
go = ir
ride = montar a, andar a cavalo, andar de, viajar/ir de elefante (neste caso)
carry = carregar
play football = jogar futebol
lie down = deitar-se
pat = dar tapinhas em, acariciar
sleep = dormir
doesn't = não (usado no presente simples para he, she e it)
small pool = piscina pequena
her best friend = o melhor amigo (a) dela
her father = o pai dela
her parents = os pais dela
friendship = amizade
have - has = ter (has é usado com he, she e it)
trunk = tromba
backpack = mochila
after = depois
before = antes
sometimes = às vezes, de vez em quando
tired = cansado
1. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a) Lavindya lives in the USA.
b) She is ten years old.
c) She lives in Chennai.
2. Answer the questions.
a) Where does Lavindya have a bath?
b) Why does she live at Arignar Anna Zoo?
c) How does she go to school?
d) What does she do in the afternoon?
e) What does she do when the elephants are tired?
a) False (She lives in India.)
b) False (She is six years old.)
c) True.
a) In a small pool outside.
b) Because her father is a ‘mahout’ and works at the zoo. He is a special keeper for the baby elephants.
c) She rides an elephant to school.
d) In the afternoon she plays football with the elephants.
e) She lies down next to them and pats their trunks.