8 de janeiro de 2018

MAY, MIGHT and COULD exercises with keys

Rewrite the sentences using the modal verb in brackets.

a) It’s possible that Sue will get a new job. (may)
Sue ______________________________.

b) I don’t think I’ll go to the meeting tomorrow. (might)
I ________________________________.

c) There’s a possibility that it will rain during the night. (could)
It _______________________________.

d) It’s possible that Luis won’t be here tomorrow. (may)
Luis ____________________________.

e) There’s a chance Jess and Marcos won’t get married this year. (might)
Jess and Marcos ___________________.

f) The economic situation will possibly get worse next year. (could)
The economic situation _______________.

g) We’re thinking of asking Katie to look after the children. (may)
We _______________________________.

h) We probably won’t take a summer holiday this year. (might)
We _______________________________.


a) Sue may get a new job.
b) I might not go to the meeting tomorrow.
c) It could rain during the night.
d) Luis may not be here tomorrow.
e) Jess and Marcos might not get married this year.
f) The economic situation could get worse next year.
g) We may ask Katie to look after the kids.
h) We might not take a summer holiday this year.

Um comentário:

  1. gostei muito dessa atividade me ajudou em algumas duvidas. obrigada!
