4 de maio de 2015

Atividade de escrita em inglês | Verbos no Simple Present

Complete the poem with the right phrases below, as adequate.

wash the car - clean the floor - get me something to drink - make the bed - get me something to eat - take a rest - paint the wall


My robot works every day,
He's like a dream come true.
He does everything I say,
All the things I hate to do.

When I say "one-two-three-four",
My robot _________________.

When I say "blue-green-white-red",
My robot ____________________.

When I say "John-Mary-Peter_Paul",
My robot ____________________.

When I say "Robot, you're so sweet!",
He __________________________.

When I say "white-red-blue-pink",
He ________________________.

When I say "Robot, you're a star!",
My Robot __________________.

And when I say "Robot, you're the best!",
My robot _______________________.


Cleans the floor - Makes the bed - Paints the wall - Gets me something to eat - Gets me something to drink - Washes the car -Takes a rest


A partir do poema, é possível desenvolver vocabulário (verbos) e também exemplificar a regra para conjugação dos verbos para he, she e it no simple present.

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