Tomorrow's world
This text is going to be a little different. It's about predictions. What is going to happen tomorrow? What will the future bring? Things like that. Optimists and pessimists have their own answers. We are going to know what they are. Then you are going to decide which group (optimists or pessimists) made each prediction. You are also going to give your own opinion about each prediction (whether you consider it possible or impossible to happen).
This text is going to be a little different. It's about predictions. What is going to happen tomorrow? What will the future bring? Things like that. Optimists and pessimists have their own answers. We are going to know what they are. Then you are going to decide which group (optimists or pessimists) made each prediction. You are also going to give your own opinion about each prediction (whether you consider it possible or impossible to happen).
> The City of the Future will have a roof - a huge geodesic dome that will cover the buildings and population.
> Man will invent a kind of the machine that will be able to think.
> We'll be able to go to the moon and to the planets. Scientists will live and work in space colonies.
> The population of the world will exceed 10 billion people before the beginning of the next century.
> There will be wars in every part of the world.
> Medical science will find a cure for several different diseases before the year 2000.
> We'll have a lot of free time because computers will do much of our work.
> Nuclear energy will be safe. There won't be any danger of accidents.
> Noise and air pollution will belong to the past.
> Big cities will continue to grow and there won't be enough food for everybody.
How many of these predictions do you consider possible? Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Future tense - GOING TO exercises (with answers)
Future tense - GOING TO exercises (with answers)
(Observação: publicado em um livro de 2006)
1. (Faap-SP) De acordo com o texto, na Cidade do Futuro:
a) haverá um telhado - um enorme domo geodésico que cobrirá os prédios e a população.
b) haverá somente prédios, todos em cores padronizadas.
c) toda a cidade será coberta por uma lona sintética para protegê-Ia do mau tempo.
d) cada prédio terá uma cobertura especial.
e) existirá uma capa protetora sobre os edifícios comerciais.
2. (Faap-SP) De acordo com o que você leu:
a) acontecerão importantes avanços na medicina.
b) a quantidade de alimentos será suficiente para toda a população.
c) barulho e poluição vão continuar a perturbar o homem.
d) o perigo da radiação será cada vez maior.
e) não acontecerá explosão demográfica.
Gabarito: A | A
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