19 de janeiro de 2018

ALL vs EVERY - Exercícios com respostas

1. Re-write the sentences. Use all the.

a) Every shop is closed.
b) Every cup is dirty.
c) Every exam starts at 9.00.
d) Every player in the team is important.
e) Every ticket here is expensive.
f) Every room in the hotel has a television.
g) Every light in the flat is on.
h) Every student will take the test.
i) Every bus stops here.

2. Complete the conversation. Use all, all the or every.

A: I like _______ pictures in this magazine.
B: Do you buy it _________ week?
A: Yes. I buy it on Saturday and I read it _________ afternoon. I always read ________ articles in it.
B: Do you keep _________ copy?
A: Yes. And I also enter __________ competition.
B: I think __________ competitions are silly.

3. Circle the correct answer.


Come and learn how to record your own music in our studios! There are excellent recording facilities in all/every studio and all/every the tutors are experienced professionals from the music industry.
Here is what some people say about our courses: 'I love all/every part of the course!' 'All/Every session is fun and you learn a lot!' 'I like working with all/every the different beats.'
Our courses are free for people under eighteen. The next courses start in September.There is a session all/every Saturday for thirteen weeks. The sessions last all/every day.


1. Re-write the sentences. Use all the.

a) All the shops are closed. 
b) All the cups are dirty.
c) All the exams start at 9.00.
d) All the players in the team are important.
e) All the tickets here are expensive.
f) All the rooms in the hotel have a television.
g) All the lights in the flat are on.
h) All the students will take the test.
i) All the buses stop here.

2. Complete the conversation. Use all, all the or every.

A: I like all the pictures in this magazine.
B: Do you buy it every week?
A: Yes. I buy it on Saturday and I read it all afternoon. I always read all the articles in it.
B: Do you keep every copy?
A: Yes. And I also enter every competition.
B: I think all competitions are silly.

3. Circle the correct answer.


Come and learn how to record your own music in our studios! There are excellent recording facilities in every studio and all the tutors are experienced professionals from the music industry.
Here is what some people say about our courses: 'I love every part of the course!' 'Every session is fun and you learn a lot!' 'I like working with all the different beats.'
Our courses are free for people under eighteen. The next courses start in September.There is a session every Saturday for thirteen weeks. The sessions last all day.

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