9 de janeiro de 2018

Textos curtos em inglês com SUBJECT PRONOUNS (exercícios)

My aunt Betty

My aunt Betty is a teacher. _____ (She/He) works in a small primary school near my house. In her class, there are 35 children. _____ (It/They) all work very hard at school. One day I was walking with my aunt when _______ (we/he) met some children from her class. 
"Hello," _____ (it/they) said to me. "______ (We/She) are in your aunt's class at school. She is a very good teacher. ______ (He/You) are lucky she is your aunt." "Thank you," _____ (he/I) said. "Yes, I think ______ (she/I) am lucky. ______ (You/She) is a very good aunt too." And _____(we/it) all laughed.

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct subject pronoun in brackets.

An interview with a film star

Reporter: Hello Kurt, ________ (they/I) would like to ask you a few questions. How many films have _______ (he/you) made?
Kurt: ______ (He/I) have made three films.
Reporter: What was your last film called?
Kurt: ______ (They/It) was called Journey to the Stars.
Reporter: What was _______ (it/they) about?
Kurt: ______ (It/He) was a science fiction film about people from another planet. _____ (They/She) try to take over the world, but I manage to stop them, with help from Superwoman. ______ (She/They) uses her special powers.
Reporter: Do _______ (we/you) have any plans for the future?
Kurt: The film director and _______ (you/I) are working on the next film.


My aunt Betty

My aunt Betty is a teacher. She works in a small primary school near my house. In her class, there are 35 children. They all work very hard at school. One day I was walking with my aunt when we met some children from her class. 
"Hello," they said to me. "We are in your aunt's class at school. She is a very good teacher. You are lucky she is your aunt." "Thank you," I said. "Yes, I think I am lucky. She is a very good aunt too." And we all laughed.

An interview with a film star

Reporter: Hello Kurt, I would like to ask you a few questions. How many films have you made?
Kurt: I have made three films.
Reporter: What was your last film called?
Kurt: It was called Journey to the Stars.
Reporter: What was it about?
Kurt: It was a science fiction film about people from another planet. They try to take over the world, but I manage to stop them, with help from Superwoman. She uses her special powers.
Reporter: Do you have any plans for the future?
Kurt: The film director and I are working on the next film.

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