15 de setembro de 2016

Atividade de inglês com resenha de filme (Cinderella)


Mar 13, 2015 

I'm a senior citizen, single, no grand kids to accompany me, just me. My mom took me to see the Disney animated classic in the 50's. It has held a beautiful place in my heart ever since. I've seen many adaptations over the decades. None has ever matched this, This non-animated version for me was spectacular visually, moving, romantic, and sparked the flames in my heart from this legendary fairy tale I've held since I was seven. Could not have been done better! 

5 of 7 users found this helpful 
AlL this user's reviews 

Adapted from: <www.metacritic.com/movie/cinderella/user-reviews>. Accessed in: Apri12015. 

1. Answer the questions below based on the movie review written by Ajoony@15. 

a) Is the movie review positive, mixed or negative? 
b) Is this the first adaptation of Cinderella Ajoony@15 has seen? 
c) Which adjectives does Ajoony@15 use to describe the movie? 
d) How old was Ajoony@15 when he first saw the Cinderella animated classic? 

2. Choose the fragments below that contain the user's opinion about the movie released on March 13, 2015. 

a. [  ] "My mom took me to see the Disney animated classic... " 
b. [  ] "I've seen many adaptations over the decades." 
c. [  ] "None has ever matched this." 
d. [  ] "... sparked the flames in my heart... " 
e. [  ] "Could not have been done better!" 


a) Positive.
b) No, it isn't.
c) Non-animated, spectacular, moving, romantic.
d) Seven.

2. C | D | E

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