8 de novembro de 2018

SHOULD e OUGHT TO - exercícios com respostas

Should é usado quando queremos dar um conselho a alguém ou expressar uma opinião sobre algo. 


I think we should go home now. 
Eu acho que a gente devia ir pra casa agora.

Do you think I should buy this book? 
Você acha que eu devo comprar esse livro?

I don't think he should lie to her. 
Eu não acho que ele deveria mentir para ela.

I think they should be back by now. 
Eu acho que eles já devem estar de volta.

You should call her right now. 
Você devia ligar para ela agora mesmo.

You should have come to the party. 
Você devia ter vindo na festa.

She shouldn't have eaten so much. 
Ela não devia ter comido tanto.

Should I talk to them? 
Devo falar com eles?

De certa forma podemos dizer que "ought to" é a mesma coisa que "should". 


She ought to buy some new clothes. 
(= She should buy.)

Do you think I ought to apply for that job? 
(= I should apply.)

He ought to be here by now. 
(= He should be.)

You really ought to quit smoking.
(= You really should quit.)

De acordo com as gramáticas mais atuais da língua inglesa o termo ought to tem se tornado menos frequente, caído em desuso. Há ainda algumas gramáticas e dicionários afirmando que ought to é usado em contextos mais formais (textos jurídicos, por exemplo) ou mesmo quando queremos enfatizar ainda mais a ideia de obrigação, dever, compromisso, etc.


1. Match the correct advice to each sentence.

a) It's raining.
b) I'm tired.
c) It's my birthday.
d) I'm worried about this test.
e) My tooth hurts.
f) My phone is ringing.
g) It's important information.
h) It smells strange.

(  ) You shouldn't think about it.
(  ) You should remember it.
(  ) You should take an umbrella.
(  ) You ought to see a dentist.
(  ) You should answer it.
(  ) You shouldn't eat it.
(  ) You should not work so hard.
(  ) You should buy a nice cake.

2. Complete the sentences using should and the verbs: buy, come, eat, give, kiss, meet, open, say.

a) Guests _________late to parties in Switzerland.
b) You _________ flowers for women on 8 March in Romania.
c) In Ukraine, you ___________ guests with bread and salt.
d) If you get a present in Thailand, you ___________ it at home.
e) When you answer the phone in Germany, you ___________  your name.
f) In Belgium, friends __________ three times when they meet.
g) Guests ____________everything on their plate in Bolivia.
h) If you have a house party in New Zealand, you _________ a key to guests.

3. Give advice in the following situations using should or ought to.

a) You are always tired in the mornings.
b) Your neighbor plays loud music at night.
c) You have nothing nice to wear to a party.
d) You don't know what to buy your father for his birthday.
e) You are waiting for a friend but he is very late.
f) There are mice in your house.
g) You want to be a pop star.
h) Your mum says you can't go to the party.

4. What advice would you give to tourists coming to your country? Write six sentences using should, shouldn't or ought to.

Example: You ought to come in summer. 

5. Circle the correct option.

a) Children should ________  in the bus, so that older people can sit down.
stand up - standing up  - to stand up

b) You ________ wear a hat in somebody's house.
don't should - shouldn't - not should

c) _________ take off my shoes in the house?
Should I - Do I should - I should

d) When a man meets another man, he _________ his hand.
should shakes - should shake - should to shake

e) You ________ a thank-you email for the present.
should to write - ought to wrote - ought to write


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