Woody Allen's 'Sweet and Lowdown' has received great critical acclaim, not least in the perceptive review of it by Jonathan Romney. But not even he has discussed the aspect of the film I found the most intriguing.
That 'Interiors' was made as a tribute to Bergman was immediately recognised, but no review I have seen has pointed out that 'Sweet and Lowdown' reflects not only Allen's love of jazz, but also his love for Fellini. In this case, the homage takes the form of appropriating and reworking the plotline of 'La Strada (1954)'.
Samantha Morton's superb performance as the mute Hattie in Allen's film has caused comparisons to be made with the blind heroine of Chaplin's 'City Lights (1931)', but it's even more relevant to recall that Giulietta Masina's Gelsomina in 'La Strada' was also Chaplinesque. Both Hattie and Gelsomina are loveable characters with more than a touch of simple-mindedness, and each is exploited by a travelling performer, the man they love.
What makes this more than a passing parallel is the fact that both films lead to the same conclusion, a scene in which the man comes to the belated realisation that the woman he abandoned had been the love of his life, and also discovers that he has lost her.
If I found 'Sweet and Lowdown' immensely fascinating without being wholly satisfying, it was because I was at once convinced that it is a variation on a film which cannot be matched, and which for me is Fellini's greatest.
(Sight and sound, August 2000.)
a) There was a two hours' delay at the airport in London.
b) Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange is a milestone in modern literature.
c) In our last holidays we had to cope with our young relatives' weird ideas. .
d) Elizabeth I's interest on sea voyages brought development to England.
e) Maggie and Millie's eyebrows are so thin you can hardly see them.
2. (Fuvest-SP) Reescreva empregando o caso genitivo ('s ou '):
a) This is the car of my brother-in-law.
b) Show me the new house of your parents.
3. (Fuvest-SP) Reescreva usando as palavras entre parênteses no caso genitivo ('s ou '):
a) Even though it's a (story, children) it's quite amusing.
b) This shouldn't take us very long. I'd say it's about an (work, hour).
4. (Fuvest-SP) Reescreva empregando o caso genitivo ('s ou '):
a) Her absence of four days made her boss angry.
b) The hats of those women are Mexican.
5. (Udesc-SC) Complete the sentence with the correct alternative:
_________ father is in Europe.
a) The Mary's and George's
b) Mary's and George
c) Mary and George's
d) Mary's and Georges's
e) The Mary and George's
This is Michael's story
'It would start with a smack. But then there was no stopping him.
He'd lay into me like I was his worst enemy.
It was as if he forgot who I was. But he'd usually remember to hit me where it wouldn't show. When he didn't, I'd be kept off school. If a teacher asked me about a cut or a bruise, I'd just lie. Once he broke my arm. Mum told the hospital I'd had an accident. Finally, a neighbor saw my bruised face, and reported it.
I will always be grateful to my counselor. He said I wasn't to blame. He helped me to feel better about myself. He was the father I never had.' There are thousands of cases similar to Michael's each year, from every level of society. But they are only the tip of the iceberg. Thousands more children are the victims of less obvious forms of cruelty. Some people wouldn't even think of these as abuse. But imagine being constantly shouted at. Or ignored as if you don't exist. Or criticized for everything you do.
The emotional effects can be just as painful as those caused by more obvious forms of abuse including low self-worth, humiliation, loneliness, depression and an inability to relate to others. Some children have even been driven to kill themselves.
Because of ali this, the NSPCC has launched a campaign called 'A Cry For Children'. It's a cry to everyone to stop and think about the way they behave towards children. To listen to them, talk to them and treat them with respect. And to recognize the impact that any farm of cruelty can have on a child. Please answer the cry.
If you, or someone you know, is suffering from abuse, please call the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0800 800 500 any time, day or night. Or if, after reading this, you would find more information helpful, please call us on 0171 825 2775.
(NSPCC. / A cry for children. /
The Independent, 28 March 1996.)
6. (UFF-RJ) The word him in the first line refers to only one of the following people:
a) Michael's counselor
b) Michael
c) Michael's father
d) Michael's teacher
e) the neighbar
7. (Unitau-SP) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da frase a seguir:
My mother's maid has just bought the dog's meat.
a) Minha mãe e a empregada acabam de comprar a carne do cachorro.
b) A empregada de minha mãe acaba de comprar a carne do cachorro.
c) Minha mãe acabou de fazer a carne do cachorro.
d) Minha mãe fará compras com a empregada e o cachorro.
e) Minha mãe é empregada e comprou carne de cachorro.
Teenagers Do Their Talking Online
Jeff Palfini
Thursday, June 21, 2001
Today's teens communicate more using the Internet than they do face-to-face. Their parents' generation fought to use the family phone. Today's teens fight over the keyboard.
A new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project says teenagers have adopted the Internet - and instant messaging - so completely that it has even replaced face-to-face communication as the primary mode of interacting for some teens. The study concluded that of the approximately 13 million American teenagers who use the Net, 74 percent use instant messaging. Surprisingly, one-fifth of the teens using IM say it is their primary means of communicating with friends. The study extrapolated the results fram a survey of 754 youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 and their parentes.
8. (UFPR) The text above is about:
01) the results of a study conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project.
02) face-to-face communication.
04) the findings of research about American teenagers' use of the Internet.
08) the results of a study about communication problems between teenagers and their parents.
16) the conclusions of a survey conducted among teenagers and their parents.
9. (UFPR) What information is in the text?
01) Data related to a study conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project.
02) The number of teenagers who use face-to-face communication as their primary mode of interacting.
04) The names of the people responsible for the survey.
08) The percentage of American teenage adopters of the Net who use instant messaging.
16) The percentage of American teenagers who use the family phone.
32) The estimated number of American teenagers who use the Net.
10. (UFPR) According to the text, it is correct to say:
01) Teenagers' communication preferences nowadays are similar to those of their parents.
02) The estimated number of American teens who use the Internet is 13 million.
04) More than half of the youngsters who have adopted the Internet use IM.
08) American teenagers do not use IM to communicate with their friends.
16) Thirteen million American teenagers were surveyed by the project.
32) Teenagers' parents' generation used the telephone as a form of communication.
11. (UFPR) In the title "Teenagers do their talking online", their refers to teenagers. Considering the text, in which of the alternatives are the references correct?
01) ''Today's teens communicate more using the Internet than they do face-to-face." Do refers to communicate.
02) "Their parents' generation fought to use the family phone." Their refers to today's teens.
04) "...so completely that it has even replaced face-to-face communication..." It refers to American Life Project.
08) "... one-fifth of the teens using IM say it is their primary means of communicating..."It refers to IM.
16) "...from a survey of 754 youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 and their parents." Their refers to results.
12. (UFPR) According to the text, it is correct to say:
01) Some teenagers communicate with their friends more often over the Internet than they do face-to-face.
02) The total number of teenagers in America is 13 million.
04) The youngsters reached by the survey were above eighteen years of age.
08) The study has extrapolated the results for American teenagers to determine the communication habits of teenagers in many different countries.
16) Teenagers in several countries have been surveyed by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
32) For more than one million American teenagers, instant messaging is the most important means of communicating with friends.
64) The survey investigated more than seven hundred and fifty-four individuals.
13. (Unesp-SP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: The____________ uncle was dead.
a) writer.
b) writers.
c) writer of.
d) writer's,
e) writers of the.
14. (Unesp-SP)
___________farm is that large one? It is____________.
b) Whose ... Peter's
c) Whose ... of Peter
d) Which ... for Peter
e) What ... Peter's
15. (UFPE) In "... a thriving tradition..." and "The growing mobility..." the words "thriving" and "growing" have both the function of
a) a conjunction.
b) an adverb.
c) a noun.
d) a preposition.
e) an adjective.
16. (UFV-MG) Select the sentence which has the most normal English word order:
a) The rains started on Friday at six o'clock, April 13th.
b) The rains at six o'clock started on 13th April, Friday.
c) The rains started at six o'clock on Friday, 13th April.
d) At six o'clock the rains started on 13th April, Friday.
e) At six o'clock the rains started on Friday, 13th April.
Texto para a próxima questão.
With thoroughly professional staffs. The best and the newest facilities. Country locations easy to reach by highways, interstates and airports. (Dozens of flights daily and free limousine services.) Pick the Hershey that's best for you. You'll get unbeatable facilities for work and play. But above all, you'll find all those things you can still trust, alive and well and living in Hershey Resorts.
(Meetings and Conventions, April 1980.)
17. (UFRGS) A palavra "thoroughly" significa o mesmo que
a) barely.
b) greatly.
c) thoughtfully.
d) completely.
e) partially.
Texto para as próximas questões.
One of the greatest meteor showers of our lifetime may - or may not - soon light up the night sky. The annual Leonid shower, which comes every November, can produce a spectacular "meteor" storm about every 33 years. That time is now approaching. But no one can say whether we are in for an awesome spectacle or nothing unusual. The last great Leonid storm hit the Earth in 1966. For nearly an hour the sky blazed from horizon to horizon with thousands of shooting stars per minute.
Astronomers predict it could happen again in November 1999 or perhaps 2000.
18. (UEL-PR) According to the text,
a) the next storm will not light up the sky.
b) no one has ever seen a Leonid meteor storm before.
c) the next storm will be in 2003, if predictions are proved correct.
d) there will be another storm in 15 years' time.
e) astronomers cannot tell what the next Leonid meteor storm will be like.
19. (UEL-PR) According to the text, the 1966 Leonid storm
a) lasted two days.
b) was too light.
c) was spectacular.
d) could have destroyed the Earth.
e) was invisible.
20. (UEL-PR) No texto, a forma verbal em you'll indica
a) hábito.
b) futuro.
c) necessidade.
d) permissão.
e) vontade.
21. (UEL-PR) In the text, nearly means
a) since.
b) close.
c) away.
d) approximately.
e) time.
22. (UEL-PR) No texto, o pronome our refere-se a
b) astronomers.
c) the writers.
d) the readers.
e) lives.
23. (UEL-PR) O adjetivo greatest, no texto, está no grau
a) comparativo de igualdade.
b) superlativo.
c) comparativo de superioridade.
d) comparativo de inferioridade.
e) normal.
Texto para a próxima questão.
Florida panther, the Everglades
The Everglades, often called a "river of grass," is a unique subtropical habitat for plants and wildlife.
A Florida panther rests quietly in the Everglades of southwestern Florida. Although protected by the Endangered Species Act, only 30 Florida panthers are believed to survive in the Everglades victims of disease and shrinking habitat as well as illegal hunting and automobiles. With the species' fate hanging in the balance, some Florida panthers are being captured for a special breeding program.
Environment: "The Next Frontier", a publication of the U. S. Information Agency.
24. (UFSM-RS) A palavra "quietly" pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por
a) pleasantly.
b) peacefully.
c) gladly.
d) beautifully.
e) lonely.
25. (UFPE) Allen: You're pretty dirty.
Helen: I'm even prettier when I'm c1ean.
In "pretty dirty", "pretty" is equivalent to:
2. somewhat
3. more
4. beautiful
5. ugly
The correct choices are:
a) 2, 3
b) 4, 5
c) 3,4
d) 1,2
e) 1,5
26. (UFRJ) The opposite of "always" in the sentence "There has always been a lingering suspicious that some of the gap...", is
a) already.
b) yet.
c) still.
d) hardly ever.
e) ever.
27. (Unesp/2012)
Gattaca Review
by James Brundage
(January 15th, 1999)
Gattaca is a character drama in the guise of a thriller, the same way that The Truman Show was a drama in the guise of a comedy. Andrew Niccol works his beautiful charms with both of them. In
Gattaca, he offers us a stunning vision of the not-so-distant future, a time where genetic engineering is so commonplace that it is common practice. The world, of course, has the drawback that anyone who was not genetically engineered is part of a new class of society, called
an invalid.
Vincent Freeman was born this way. He chooses, however, not to remain an invalid but to become what is known as a de-generate, someone who uses other people’s blood, urine, hair etc. to fake a genetic code superior to their own. His dream was to end up in space and being this
particularly loathed thing is the only way he is able to do it. Lending his dream to the real Gerome Morrow, a suicidal cripple, the two band together to get him into space. Everything is going well, he is set to leave in a week. Then the mission director is murdered.
This occurs, in my opinion, only to keep less intelligent viewers interested in the story, which contains enough pathos to warrant me watching it if it didn't involve a murder at all. As Vincent tries to keep his secret, he is falling in love with lrene Cassini, another worker at Gattaca, the storys equivalent of Cape Canaveral. The panic caused by the moment causes each person involved to examine themselves, society, and the state of the world.
The sad thing about Gattaca is that so many people will hate this movie because of its utterly slow pace. It does not keep the interest of someone not intrigued by people, which encompasses most every viewer today. So that takes out studio fans, and its Star Trek target audience.
(www.killermovies.com Adaptado.)
a) Quem era denominado pelo termo invalid no contexto da história do filme? O que significava ser um de-generate, no mesmo contexto?
b) Segundo a crítica, por que o diretor da missão espacial foi assassinado? Havia realmente
necessidade de esse fato ocorrer?
28. (PUC-PR) According to this map you could say that the weather in these cities is:
( 1 ) San Diego
( 2 ) Seattle
( 3 ) Oklahoma City
( 4 ) Houston
( 5 )Miami
( 6 ) Montreal
( ) rainy
( ) sunny
( ) cloudy
( ) snow flurries
( ) sunny and windy
( ) windy and overcast
a) 6, 3, 2, 1,5, 4
b) 2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 5
c) 1, 2 ,4, 6, 5, 3
d) 2, 1, 6, 4, 3, 5
e) 4, 5, 2, 1, 6, 3
Read the text below and check the correct alternative.
We humans have probed the heart of the atom, unraveled the mysteries of DNA, and glimpsed the edges of space and time. Yet when it comes to understanding life's place in the universe, we are mere children, standing on a beach, staring uncomprehendingly at a vast, inscrutable ocean. Our predicament is not that we know nothing about life; it is rather that nothing we know can be compared with anything anywhere else. All the creatures of the earth - from worms to whales - are fundamentally cousins, linked by the same biochemistry, sharing the same planetary home. But is the earth's biosphere the only one there is? So far none of the other planets or moons in our system has been shown to harbor Iife. However, given the vastness of the universe, the possibilities are endless.
(The sciences, July/August, 1998.)
29. (UFPB) Read the following sentences:
I. We humans have probed the heart of the atom,_____________?
II. All the creatures of the earth are fundamentally cousins,____________ ?
Fill the gaps with the correct sequence:
a) haven't we/aren't they
b) did we/are they
c) have we/are they
d) we don't/they aren't
e) we haven'tlthey aren't
30. (Udesc-SC) Select the carrect question tag: The sun shone the whole day,_________ it?
a) is;
b) did;
c) doesn't;
d) didn't;
e) isn't.
31. (UEPG-PR) Complete with the correct question tag: They kept it in the bank, _________?
a) didn't they;
b) is it;
c) wasn't it;
d) did they;
e) nda.
32. (PUC-RS) Mark the right option: She's gone to Miami,____________?
a) hasn't she;
b) doesn't she;
c) wasn't she;
d) didn't go she;
e) didn’t she.
33. (Acafe-SC) Select the correct question tag to complete the following sentence:
Chimpanzees like bananas,_________________?
a) aren't they;
b) doesn't he;
c) do they;
d) don't they;
e) didn't he.
34. (PUC-SP) Choose the right alternative. Your sister has gone to the cinema,___________?
a) isn't she;
b) hasn't she;
c) isn't it;
d) didn't it;
e) doesn't she.
35. (Fieo-SP) Mark the best option: I'm happy,________?
a) aren't you;
b) am I;
c) are you;
d) aren't I;
e) am not I.
36. (Osec-SP) Put in the correct question tag: Let's not worry,______________?
a) do we;
b) let's;
c) shall we;
d) don't we;
e) let's we.
37. (UFMS) Complete with the correct question tag: Do me a favor,____________ ?
a) will you;
b) don't you;
c) are you;
d) does it;
e) isn't it.
38. (UEL-PR) Assinale a alternativa correta: He hasn't seen you lately,____________ ?
a) has he;
b) is it;
c) have you;
d) have we;
e) haven't you.
39. (Unifenas-MG) Choose the correct alternative: "Don't open the door,____________?"
a) do you;
b) does he;
c) am I;
d) will you;
e) would you.
40. (Puccamp-SP) Supply an appropriate question tag:
a) She wasn't able to open up the box, __________?
b) They will never tell the secret,______________?
c) George barely smokes,_________________?
41. (UEL-PR) Assinale a alternativa correta: Mary never completes her work,___________ she?
a) does;
b) didn't;
c) did;
d) hasn't;
e) doesn't.
42. (Osec-SP) Complete with the right question tag: "It certainly was hot yesterday".
"Yes, it's been hot all week,______________ it?".
a) hasn't;
b) wasn't;
c) isn't;
d) doesn't;
e) won't.
43. (FMU-SP) Choose the right alternative: She'd never talked to you before,____________?
a) did she;
b) had she;
c) didn't she;
d) hadn't she;
e) would she.
Dame Yankee - the screen legend Katharine Hepburn
Kate Remembered- appeared with suitable briskness, less than two weeks after the June 29 death of Katharine Hepburn at age 96. Her own departure was one stipulation Hepburn placed on A. Scott Berg before the esteemed biographer of Max Perkins, Samuel Goldwyn and Charles Lindbergh could tell her stories. And as it happened, that gave Berg twenty years of friendship with the great actress to prepare this unusual and unusually fitting "account", as he describes it, of a life lived outside the usual in virtually all things.
Hepburn herself referred to Berg as her biographer, but Kate Remembered is a very unorthodox biography: "Remembered" is the key word, since his touching, encoded tribute is as much about what it meant to be a devoted friend as it is about the object of devotion. And, indeed, Remembered begins dubiously - and somewhat crustiIy - with a story about how Berg met Hepburn. Writing a magazine article about the star, the writer shows up at her Manhattan door and is immediately commanded to use the bathroom by the hostess, certain she knew a guest's bladder better than the owner did.
An understanding of one another quickly follows. And so, gradually, does a sense not only of what Hepburn did, and with whom, but perhaps the closest we can come to feeling that it was like to live Hepburn's life as she did in a pattern of attachments and detachments.
(by Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Week/y.)
44. (PUC-RS) A synonym for the word "departure", as it is used the first paragraph, is
a) take-off.
b) separation.
c) leavetaking.
d) death.
e) withdrawal.
45. (PUC-RS) Conforme empregado nesse texto, o termo "account" (primeiro parágrafo) se enquadra na seguinte definição de dicionário:
a) an arrangement in which your bank looks after your money.
b) an arrangement you have for services provided.
c) a report about something that happened.
d) to be the reason why something happens.
e) to form, use or produce a particular amount of something.
46. (PUC-RS) According to the first paragraph, it is incorrect to say that
a) the actress had agreed to have a book made about her under one condition.
b) Hepburn was eager to see how the readers would react to this book about her.
c) Berg would have failed in his agreement, had he published the book before her death.
d) the biographer wrote about a few famous people that he was fond of.
e) most things Hepburn did were different from what people normally do.
47. (PUC-RS) According to the second paragraph,
a) it is clear that Katharine Hepburn was an understanding and docile kind of person.
b) this book was the only chance Berg had to write about Hepburn.
c) the book reveals as much about a friendship as it does about one single person.
d) Hepburn was living in Manhattan when Berg talked her into writing Kate Remembered.
e) the actress required perfect hygienic procedures in her home.
48. (PUC-RS) A partir da leitura da primeira sentença do terceiro parágrafo
a) conclui-se que autor e atriz logo se entrosaram.
b) sabe-se que se seguiu uma entrevista rápida.
c) compreende-se a entrevista seguinte.
d) conclui-se que Berg não entendeu a atriz de imediato.
e) pode-se compreender o autor e a atriz.
49. (PUC-RS) Todos os pares de palavras abaixo apresentam a mesma relação, exceto
a) partial - irnpartial.
b) attachment - detachment.
c) orthodox - unorthodox.
d) code - encode.
e) literate - illiterate.
Teenagers do their talking online
Jeff Palfini
Thursday, June 21, 2001
Today's teens communicate more using the Internet than they do face-to-face.
Their parents' generation fought to use the family phone. Today's teens fight over the keyboard.
A new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project says teenagers have adopted the Internet - and instant messaging - so completely that it has even replaced face-to-face communication as the primary mode of interacting for some teens. The study concluded that of the approximately 13 million American teenagers who use the Net, 74 percent use instant messaging. Surprisingly, one-fifth of the teens using IM say it is their primary means of communicating with friends. The study extrapolated the results from a survey of 754 youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 and their parents.
Primary: principal, mais importante
Instructions: Write T (true) or F (false) next to the alternatives below.
50. (UFPR) What information is in the text?
( ) Data related to a study conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project.
( ) The number of teenagers who use face-to-face communication as their primary mode of interacting.
( ) The names of the people responsible for the survey.
( ) The percentage of American teenage adopters of the Net who use instant messaging.
( ) The percentage of American teenagers who use the family phone.
( ) The estimated number of American teenagers who use the Net.
51. (UFPR) According to the text, it is correct to say:
( ) Teenagers' communication preferences nowadays are similar to those of their parents.
( ) The estimated number of American teens who use the Internet is 13 million.
( ) More than half of the youngsters who have adopted the Internet use IM.
( ) American teenagers do not use IM to communicate with their friends.
( ) Thirteen million American teenagers were surveyed by the project.
( ) Teenagers' parents' generation used the telephone as a form of communication.
52. (UFPR) According to the text, it is correct to say:
( ) Some teenagers communicate with their friends more often over the Internet than they do face-to-face.
( ) The total number of teenagers in America is 13 million.
( ) The youngsters reached by the survey were above eighteen years of age.
( ) The study has extrapolated the resuIts for American teenagers to determine the communication habits of teenagers in many different countries.
( ) Teenagers in several countries have been surveyed by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
( ) For more than one million American teenagers, instant messaging is the most important means of communicating with friends.
( ) The survey investigated more than seven hundred and fifty-four individuais.
53. (UFPR) The text above is about:
( ) the results of a study conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project.
( ) face-to-face communication.
( ) the findings of research about American teenagers' use of the Internet.
( ) the results of a study about communication problems between teenagers and their parents.
( ) the conclusions of a survey conducted among teenagers and their parents.
54. (UFPR) In the title "Teenagers do their talking online", their refers to teenagers. Considering the text, in which of the alternatives are the references correct?
( ) "Today's teens communicate more using the Internet than they do face-to-face." - do refers to communicate.
( ) "Their parents' generation fought to use the family phone." - their refers to today's teens.
( )“...so completely that it has even replaced face-to-face communication...” it refers to American Life Project.
( ) “...one-fifth of the teens using IM say it is their primary means of communicating...” it refers to IM.
( ) ”... from a survey of 754 youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 and their parents." - their refers to results.
55. (Fuvest-SP) Reescreva o período a seguir, usando a forma certa dos verbos entre parênteses.
The policeman knew that the man he (see) (run) away had been (find) guilty of theft more than once, so he immediately (take) him for the thief.
56. (Fuvest-SP) Transcreva, usando o tempo verbal adequado a uma ação passada:
a) I saw clearly that we (to take) the wrong road.
b) When I (to call) for John, his mother told me that he (to leave) five minutes before.
57. (Fuvest-SP) Transcreva, usando o verbo na forma certa:
She was proud of her son who (win) a prize at school.
The fall of angels
The dramatic story of war among angels existed in heaven even before earth was formed. The great 17th century poet John Milton described in his masterpiece Paradise Lost what he considered the first test of free will: the fall of angels.
His story begins when Lucifer is ordered to obey the Son of God. Lucifer refuses, the rebellious angels join him and challenge the power of
Angels join him and challenge the power of God. On the first day, one of the powerful Seraphs and Lucifer meet, angel against angel. On the second day, the archangel Michael enters the battle, and wounds Lucifer. Michael asks for assistance and on the third day the Son of God comes forward. He pursues the enemy to the bounds of heaven and the bad angels throw themselves into the bottomless pit. The war in heaven is over, but Lucifer is far from finished. God has created a new race - humans. The struggle between good and evil begins.
(The Teacher's Magazine, February 1998.)
58. (UFRGS) Complete the sentence below with the appropriate verb form.
When earth_________to be, the angels' war in heaven________________.
a) came - had ended
b) comes - has ended
c) had come - ended
d) came - had been ending
e) comes - was ending
59. (UEL-PR) He returned home after he________ the office.
a) leaves
b) does leave
c) had left
d) will leave
e) didn't leave
60. (Mack-SP) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence.
"When the manager arrived, the problem_______________."
a) was been solved already.
b) should to be solved yet.
c) had already been solved.
d) has still been solved.
ResponderExcluir`Great way to teach our students relevant texts and at the same time inform them with excellent texs.
ResponderExcluirParabéns por compartilhar este material, boa variedade e rico em diversidade de gêneros textuais.
ResponderExcluirExcelente material. Obrigada!
ResponderExcluirMuito bem feito.
ResponderExcluirGreat! Thanks a lot!