30 de julho de 2017

Imperativo em inglês - exercícios para 9ºano

PITCH IN: pôr mãos à obra, contribuir, colaborar com algo (phrasal verb)

1. Complete as frases utilizando os verbos: go, run, eat, drink, sit, open, help, close.

a) _________ on that chair, please.
b) _________ the box. It's for you!
c) _________ to school! It's 8 o'clock!
d) _________ the window! It's cold!
e) _________ your grandma, please.
f) _________ your banana!
g) _________ your orange juice!
h) _________! The bus is here!

2. Relacione.

a) Don't close
b) Don't drink
c) Don't sit
d) Don't open
e) Don't eat
f) Don't touch

(  ) that juice! It's Paul's.
(  ) that box! It's for Monica.
(  ) your shoes. They're dirty!
(  ) the window. It's hot!
(  ) on the floor! There's a chair next to the table.
(  ) that sandwich. It's Monica's!

3. Reescreva na forma negativa.

a) Open the window!
b) Run!
c) Stop!
d) Sit here! 
e) Eat this apple.
f) Jump on the bed!
g) Touch the paint!
h) Close your books!


a) Sit on that chair, please.
b) Open the box. It's for you!
c) Go to school! It's 8 o'clock!
d) Close the window! It's cold!
e) Help your grandma, please.
f) Eat your banana!
g) Drink your orange juice!
h) Run! The bus is here!

(b) that juice! It's Paul's.
(d) that box! It's for Monica.
(f) your shoes. They're dirty!
(a) the window. It's hot!
(c) on the floor! There's a chair next to the table.
(e) that sandwich. It's Monica's!

a) Don't open the window!
b) Don't run!
c) Don't stop!
d) Don't sit here! 
e) Don't eat this apple.
f) Don't jump on the bed!
g) Don't touch the paint!
h) Don't close your books!

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