60 exercícios de gramática com gabarito
Adverb and adjective exercises with answers (B1)
Exercícios sobre advérbios de frequência
Adjetivos e advérbios em Inglês (exercícios)
Usamos adjetivos para descrever coisas e pessoas.
60 exercícios de gramática com gabarito
Adverb and adjective exercises with answers (B1)
Exercícios sobre advérbios de frequência
Adjetivos e advérbios em Inglês (exercícios)
Usamos adjetivos para descrever coisas e pessoas.
My father is a quick runner.
Usamos advérbios de modo (manner) para descrever ações.
He runs quickly.
Para formar advérbios costumamos adicionar -ly a um adjetivo.
slow > slowly
Para adjetivos terminados em -y, trocamos o -y pelo -i e adicionamos -ly
happy > happily
Alguns advérbios são irregulares.
good > well
Advérbios de modo vão após o verbo ou depois do verbo + objeto
She drives slowly.
She drives her car slowly.
1. Reescreva as frases transformando os adjetivos entre parênteses em advérbios.
a) I sing very (bad).
b) The children are playing (happy).
c) Please carry this box (careful).
d) My grandma walks very (slow).
e) The sun is shining (bright).
f) Sophia plays the guitar very (good).
g) William drives his car (fast).
2. Relacione as frases e complete com o advérbio.
a) Mrs Oliveira is a good teacher.
b) Tom is a slow runner.
c) I'm a quick learner.
d) Kate is a brave climber.
e) This is heavy rain.
f) Sophie is a bad dancer.
g) You're a quiet singer.
h) Lisa is a clever writer.
( ) It's raining ____________________________.
( ) She dances ____________________________ .
( ) You sing _____________________________ .
( ) She climbs ___________________________ .
( ) She writes ____________________________ .
( ) He runs ______________________________ .
( ) She teaches ___________________________ .
( ) I learn _______________________________ .
3. Complete as frases.
a) My friend walks _______________ (quick/quickly).
b) She is a _________________ runner, too. (quick/quickly)
c) My dad sings _____________ (good/well).
d) He is a __________________ dancer, too. (good/well)
e) You are a ________________ driver. (careful/carefully)
f) You ride your bike _______________, too. (careful/carefully)
g) My teacher talks _________________ (quiet/quietly).
h) She is a _____________________ reader, too. (quiet/quietly).
i) My sister dances __________________ (bad/badly).
j) She is a __________________ singer, too. (bad/badly).
4. Sobre você! Complete as frases utilizando as palavras: slow, kind, careful, quick, happy, bad, good, quiet. Lembre-se de transforma-las em advérbios.
a) I do my homework ___________________________.
b) My friend runs ______________________________ .
c) I work _____________________________________.
d) My teacher talks ____________________________ .
e) I ride a bike ________________________________ .
f) My best friend dances ________________________ .
5. Complete o texto com a forma correta das palavras entre parênteses.
Tigers are amazing animals. They can run very ______ (quick). They can swim _____ (good) and they are _____ (good) climbers, too. Tigers are very _____ (clever) animals. They catch other animals for food. They watch the other animals very _____ (careful). They often hide in the grass and they walk very _____ (slow). Tigers can move very _____ (quiet) so other animals don't hear them. Then they run _____ (fast) and catch the other animal before it can run away.
1. Reescreva as frases transformando os adjetivos entre parênteses em advérbios.
a) I sing very badly.
b) The children are playing happily.
c) Please carry this box carefully.
d) My grandma walks very slowly.
e) The sun is shining brightly.
f) Sophia plays the guitar very well.
g) William drives his car fast.
h) Please talk quietly.
2. Relacione as frases e complete com o advérbio.
a) Mrs Oliveira is a good teacher.
b) Tom is a slow runner.
c) I'm a quick learner.
d) Kate is a brave climber.
e) This is heavy rain.
f) Sophie is a bad dancer.
g) You're a quiet singer.
h) Lisa is a clever writer.
(e) It's raining heavily.
(f) She dances badly.
(g) You sing quietly.
(d) She climbs bravely.
(h) She writes cleverly.
(b) He runs slowly.
(a) She teaches well .
(c) I learn quickly .
3. Complete as frases.
a) My friend walks quickly.
b) She is a quick runner, too.
c) My dad sings well.
d) He is a good dancer, too.
e) You are a careful driver.
f) You ride your bike carefully, too.
g) My teacher talks quietly.
h) She is a quiet reader, too.
i) My sister dances badly.
j) She is a bad singer, too.
4. Respostas pessoais.
5. Complete o texto com a forma correta das palavras entre parênteses.
Tigers are amazing animals. They can run very quickly. They can swim well and they are good climbers, too. Tigers are very clever animals. They catch other animals for food. They watch the other animals very carefully. They often hide in the grass and they walk very slowly. Tigers can move very quietly so other animals don't hear them. Then they run fast and catch the other animal before it can run away.
muito bons exercícios.
ResponderExcluirexcelente, me ajudou muito!
ResponderExcluirotimos exercicios!! me ajudaram bastante!! Thaaankss
ResponderExcluirThanks !!!